Thanksgiving is Approaching

I am busy putting together the menu for next week. Our immediate family actually celebrates the following Saturday, because so many are at other family gatherings from in-laws. While I am disappointed at not celebrating the actual day with all my children, I also love the rest provided for that day. My two sons join my husband and me and that’s always a joy, since they work so many hours, and rarely get a day off to be with family as it is. They also are good eaters so I enjoy making a dinner that is truly home-made for them.

My father-in-law was moved to an assisted living community over the weekend, and this gives us an opportunity to make a quick visit on Thanksgiving as well. I just read that any change of routine can upset them very much, and the home is very busy with entertainment, visitors, etc. He is a very quiet man by nature and I sometimes wonder if this is suitable for him. I know we try to entertain the patients and keep them active, but his anxiety has increased. I hope he adjusts soon. It is hard enough to see a loved one affected by dementia and feeling helpless to change their circumstances to make them a little more comfortable.

Family is important this time of year. Memories of past experience, both good and bad, accentuate the Season’s customs and traditions. I truly love the Catholic traditions and they are not easy to keep in motion if one goes into the Season halfheartedly or too busy to put them into practice. It’s the Faith that gives the meaning to this Holiday and I hope that my kids carry them on in their own families. Some have married into mixed faiths, so it’s hard for the Catholic partner to give wholeheartedly without the pressure of feeling alone. On the other hand, there is a certain feeling of being alone in this time of year anyway which can bring one to really appreciate the darkness of the season and the hope of the Birth of Christ which brought light into our world. However one celebrates this season, it is truly a time of meditation, quiet reflection and family and friends that bring the richest experience behind all the glitter, parties, and togetherness.

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